[My] 7 Top Articles Helpful to Entrepreneurs in Admitting and Dealing With Anxiety and Depression

[My] 7 Top Articles Helpful to Entrepreneurs in Admitting and Dealing With Anxiety and Depression – From all levels of start-up to big success in entrepreneurship, there exists a dark cloud often not talked about. It is anxiety and depression.

At worst, I’ve read stories of very successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs committing suicide.

Entrepreneurship can be gruesome. Read more

You Need to Get These Books for Entrepreneurs in Your Organisation – Presenting Tiisetso Maloma’s Entrepreneurship Books

N.B The offer applies to orders of 10+ print copies within South Africa. Individual orders can be placed here www.tiisetsomaloma.co.za/shop. EBooks available on Amazon, iBookstore and Kobo.

You want the entrepreneurs in your organisation to succeed. You go out of your way to provide resources and people to help them.

I encourage you to purchase any or all of my four books for them.

Tiisetso Maloma’s Books (bundle discount of 25% if ordering 10+ copies per book)

The type of stories Read more

Where to Get Help for Anxiety, Depression and Suicide

Where to Get Help for Anxiety – Since publishing ‘The Anxious Entrepreneur’, I’ve been making interesting contacts with people.

I am not a professional anxiety, depression and suicide expert.

If you believe you suffer from anxiety, depression and are having suicidal thoughts, I humbly request that you get help from a trained professional. These are serious conditions you need to attend urgently.

So below follows places to find such help:


The organisations below have support groups and/or programmes in various parts of the country. Find out if they do not have support closer to your area.

South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG)

  • Help line: (011) 262-6396 (8am – 8pm, seven days a week)
  • Suicide crisis line: 0800 567 567 or SMS 31393 (8am – 8pm, seven days a week)
  • Website:sadac.org

LifeLine Southern Africa
This is a 24 hour emotional crisis intervention service. It’s free and confidential.

  • National counselling line: 0861-322-322
    Counsellors help callers with challenges such as trauma and suicide.
  • Website: www.lifeline.co.za


In each country, there are organisations and support groups that assist people experiencing these conditions. Search and approach them for help. And the prominent ones are mostly free.

If you are in a crisis, I suggest you contact a depression, suicide or emergency helpline in your country.

In any case, here are some online resources you can use (some are free, some are free for the first session and others charge throughout):

7 Cups

Free, anonymous and confidential online text chat with trained listeners, online therapists & counsellors.

Website https://www.7cups.com


Assists with depression, sadness and burned out.

Website www.counselo.com

Therapy Tribe

Helps people find great mental health resources like therapists, support groups, wellness tools, as well as an overall sense of community.

Offers a combination of a professional therapist directory as well as self-help wellness resources – all free of charge to the community in need.

Website www.therapytribe.com

Better Help

Convenient, affordable, private online counselling – anytime and anywhere.

Website www.betterhelp.com

The Other Source of Depression

I have always been entrepreneurial. On two separate occasions as a kid I had vegetable gardens. On each, my grandmother, and later her daughter (my mother), gave away almost all my produce and thus succeeded in liquidating my intended businesses. I guess my mother got it from her mother – my grandmother gave it to her daughter.

Among the other things I aspired to be was Jean Claude Van Damme. I didn’t want to be Chuck Norris because he had bushy chest hair. I am 30 today, with medium chest hair. It is even turning white.

How my story should be is: he grew up poor, went to university; he then ventured into business, struggled for a bit of time and then became very successful. “He Read more

Tiisetso Maloma interview on Baby Got Booked Podcast – How to Stop Anxiety from Holding You Back



I got interviewed on the Baby Got Booked Podcast, hosted by Canadian entrepreneur and PR expert – Geeta Nadkarni.

I had much fun talking about themes for reducing anxiety in one’s entrepreneurship hustle, and my book – The Anxious Entrepreneur. Geeta is just awesome.

Click here to download the podcast.

N.B. It was before the book came out.

14 Stoicism Quotes that Help Heal Anxiety

This post inspired my compilation book, ‘Introducing Ubuntu Stoicism: Gain Joy, Resilience, Productivity, and Defuse Anxiety.’ It’s on Amazon. Order here if in South Africa – or visit your nearest bookstore.

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This is an extract from my latest and fourth book, The Anxious Entrepreneur.  This piece of content is related to 14 Stoicism Quotes that Help Heal Anxiety.

Entrepreneurship is a nerve wracking business. Entrepreneurs are always anxious about multiple things. They have goals and therefore expectations, but it is known that things cannot go according to one’s wishes, plans, desires, needs or desperation all the time.

Stoicism Quotes that Help Heal Anxiety

Expectations are rarely met and subconsciously, when they aren’t, we are shaken. It is an opportune window for anxiety or even depression to set in, depending on the severity or extent of the misfortune. Read more

10 Quotes to Help You Deal with Worry and Anxiety

This is an extract from my latest and fourth book, The Anxious Entrepreneur. Here are 10 Quotes to Help You Deal with Worry and Anxiety or Quotes For Anxiety.

Quotes For Anxiety

The following are some of my favourite quotes which, I believe, more or less speak to that anxiety defeats creativity and also that creativity can defeat anxiety.

 “Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away today’s peace” -Randy Armstrong.

To have peace today, you have to do the things that have meaning to you and help you to fulfil a part of you.

If your passion is to sing, but you work at a call centre, sing in the morning or after work – everyday or any number of days in the week.

I have learned Read more