Defending Ubuntu: A Philosophy of Kindness, Not Political Manipulation | Introducing Ubuntu Stoicism book

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Talking about Ubuntu — I heard Ernst Roets on Tucker Carlson’s Show trying to tarnish the word Ubuntu for his political denigration game.
Let me show you what Ubuntu is and is not.
I wrote a book called ‘Introducing Ubuntu Stoicism: Gain Joy, Resilience, Productivity, and Defuse Anxiety’ to compare the Greek philosophy of Stoicism with Africa’s Ubuntu philosophy.
Here I will focus only on Ubuntu — a Zulu and Xhosa word meaning humility, “good humanity,” or kindness.
First, Ubuntu is a decentralized and sovereign philosophy that one must voluntarily embrace. If you show anything other than kindness, then it is not Ubuntu. (And no university in South African teaches anyone to kill—it would be illegal and subject to prosecution on many levels. If he has evidence otherwise, he should report it.)
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