Defending Ubuntu: A Philosophy of Kindness, Not Political Manipulation | Introducing Ubuntu Stoicism book

Introducing Ubuntu Stoicism book is available at Amazon, my webstore (SA only), Takelot.com, Bargain Books and Exclusive.

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Talking about Ubuntu — I heard Ernst Roets on Tucker Carlson’s Show trying to tarnish the word Ubuntu for his political denigration game.

Let me show you what Ubuntu is and is not.

I wrote a book called ‘Introducing Ubuntu Stoicism: Gain Joy, Resilience, Productivity, and Defuse Anxiety’ to compare the Greek philosophy of Stoicism with Africa’s Ubuntu philosophy.

Here I will focus only on Ubuntu — a Zulu and Xhosa word meaning humility, “good humanity,” or kindness.

First, Ubuntu is a decentralized and sovereign philosophy that one must voluntarily embrace. If you show anything other than kindness, then it is not Ubuntu. (And no university in South African teaches anyone to kill—it would be illegal and subject to prosecution on many levels. If he has evidence otherwise, he should report it.)

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Book | Future of Township Economies

Available at, my webstore (South Africa), Takelot.com, Bargain Books and Exclusive.


In the early ’90s, the rise of the internet revolutionized industries—making internet banking, online dating, online gambling, and social media possible.
Today, in 2025, we have AI, 3D printing, and advanced digital tools. How will these emerging technologies transform township businesses?


This is where Future of Township Economies comes in.

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Innovation Design Model: For Companies, Product Managers, Students, Educators, and Entrepreneurs

I hope you’re doing well today/tonight.

I’d love to share a model I developed some time ago with Startup Picnic Academy. Over the years, we’ve successfully trained companies, product managers, students, educators, and entrepreneurs using this approach.

The IDM is a simple, fast, and comprehensive framework for navigating innovation. It brings together the EBC Business Model, which I created over a decade ago, and the principles of Design Innovation to deliver impactful results.

  • It provides clear foresight on how to approach, create, and launch innovative products.
  • Includes real-world examples from Zara, Pep Paxi, M-Pesa, Tesla, and SpaceX.
  • Empowers you to design innovative products, features, and processes.
  • Highlights why now is truly “The Easiest, Cheapest, and Quickest Time in History to Be an Innovator.”
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Teaching Innovation Design: A Guide for Educators: THE INNOVATION DESIGN MODEL

Download the Innovation Design Model and its explanation here.

Are you looking for a simple and engaging way to teach your students about innovation and entrepreneurship? The Innovation Design Model is a straightforward yet powerful tool to help your learners think creatively and practically about solving problems, developing new ideas, or improving existing ones.

Here’s how I recently used it to inspire students:

In just one day, I ran workshops at two boarding schools in North West — an all-girls school in the morning and a mixed school in the afternoon. The results were incredible! The students quickly grasped the concepts and applied them with enthusiasm.

This model has worked wonders not only with high school learners but also with university students, corporate professionals, and entrepreneurs. Let me show you how you can do the same with your students.

Download the Innovation Design Model and its explanation here.

AI Will Help Africa Produce Books into Films Cheaper, Quicker, and Faster

A few years ago, Donald Trump shared a press release announcing a new Trump Hotel venture in India. The release was riddled with spelling errors—so carelessly done that it made you wonder if it was an intentional stunt for attention. This happened around 2012, a few years before Trump ran for president. Now, while India is not an English-speaking country, the sheer number of mistakes was too blatant to overlook.

Today, such errors wouldn’t stand a chance. With AI tools like ChatGPT, grammar and spelling errors can be corrected in seconds. In fact, AI can even write the entire press release with just a few points of information in minutes.

Tools like ChatGPT have become standard, even for editing books.

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Celebrity Business Class 3: MacG’s Grandeur Gin and Chillers Punch Spirit Cooler (Analysis per the CMIAM)

To learn more about creating products, purchase the 90 Days to Create & Launch book. Also, join my Create and Launch Challenge, sign up on this blog, and browse helpful articles on this page.

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I’ve written liquor business analyses before about Bonang Matheba and DJ Zinhle’s respective liquor business ventures – visit the links for those articles.

In this article, I explore the advantages of choosing liquor as a business product for MacG’s Grandeur gin and the subsequent benefits of launching the Chillers Punch spirit cooler. A spirit cooler blends spirits and various flavors.

We will use the ‘Convenience Metrical Interest and Advantage Method’ (CMIAM) to provide an understanding.

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How to Register a Trademark in South Africa Quickly | 90 Days to Create &Launch Book | #CreateAndLaunch Challenge

Do you procrastinate when it comes to creating your product? Join my Create and Launch Challenge. Buy my 90 Days to Create & Launch book, sign up on this blog, and browse helpful articles on this page.

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First and foremost, this article is not legal advice but rather my assistance to help you register a trademark with the little money you have.

I recall MacG revealing on Podcast and Chill that he registered a trademark for his Grandeur gin for about R15 000, including lawyer fees. It does not have to cost you that much. Stay with me here.

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How to Sell on Amazon from South Africa: Costs, Selling Globally | 90 Days to Create & Launch Book | #CreateAndLaunch Challenge

Do you procrastinate when it comes to creating your product? Join my Create and Launch Challenge. Buy my 90 Days to Create & Launch book, sign up on this blog, and browse helpful articles on this page.

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The global online marketplace Amazon.com has officially launched in South Africa. This means that anyone in South Africa can sell physical products through Amazon to customers both within South Africa and internationally where their courier services reach. Essentially, you can sell globally from South Africa.

This marketplace allowing South Africans to sell globally is a first for the country. It’s a significant development.

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